Learning To Be Happy
What do we really want? To feel good of course! Can external things really make us happy? How are physical experiences translated into happiness and unhappiness? What is the relationship between our thoughts and feelings? How do our beliefs shape our reality? By reflecting on your own experience with curiosity, you can discover how to be happy. You already have everything you need. Come and discover yourself. Topics include mindfulness, meditation, psychology, journalling, dreaming, yoga and more!
39 episodes
Meditation: How Should I Sit, Breathe and Think?
In this episode, I simplify the how and why of the way we meditate. Do I need to sit upright? Do I need to close my eyes? How should I position myself in meditation? What is the underlying goal of meditation? What attitude should I have about t...

Tips for Improving Your Meditation
In this episode I offer some advice to help build the body-mind and mind-body connection, to promote relaxation and tap into positive feelings. In this episode I talk about the 'fake it until you make it' approach to suspending negative thought...

Understanding The Five Types of Meditation
In this episode I talk about the Five Types of meditation; Concentration Based Meditation, Mindfulness Based Meditation, The Cultivation of Positive Feelings, The Exploration of Negative Feelings and the Exploration of Self / Reality. Understan...

Meditation: Misconceptions and Expectations
In this episode I talk about some common misconceptions around meditation, both how we do it and what it's for. The common pitfalls being, people making an effort to 'clear the mind' and expecting meditation to always lead to feeling better. Th...

A Guided Mindfulness Meditation
This guided meditation focuses on strengthening the body-mind connection through relaxation, while practicing the the mindfulness of sound and sensation and thoughts as mere phenomena, which can be observed like sounds.

Natural Healing - The Wim Hof Breathing Method
In this episode, I discuss how the Wim Hof breathing method can help with your physical, mental and emotional health. It's free, it's easy, and it only takes 10 minutes.

Spiritual Realisations: There Are No Bad People
This is a short story of a personal experience which illuminated for me the fact everyone is doing their best to be happy, even if their actions make little sense to us, and from this perspective, everything they do is acceptable, forgivable.
Season 1

Healing Our Core Wounds
This episode introduces the concept of core wounds, of primary and secondary negative beliefs. The most common core wound being the feeling or belief 'I am not enough', but what is 'enough' and how do we get there?
Season 1

Exploring Fear and Anxiety in Depth
This episode explores the why, and how, behind healthy and unhealthy ways of responding to fear.

The Source of Fear and Insecurity
This episode explores the psychological and spiritual cause of fear and insecurity.

Exploring Hurt, Sadness and Disappointment in Depth
In this episode, I discuss healthy and unhealthy ways of responding to our own feelings of sadness, hurt and disappointment.

Exploring Anger in Depth
In this episode, I discuss healthy and unhealthy ways of responding to our own feelings of anger, and different ways of relating to it.

Navigating the Pyramid of Emotion
In this episode I discuss how mistaken beliefs cause us to leave the state of love and enter the state of fear; how fear leads to sadness and sadness to anger... and of course how we can navigate our way back down the Pyramid of Emotion, and re...
Season 1

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable - Acupressure Mat
In this episode, I discuss how using an acupressure mat can help you build mental and emotional resiliency in addition to its beneficial physical effects.

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable - Cold Showers
In this episode, I discuss how having cold showers can help us to develop mental and emotional resilience in addition to its physical benefits.

Getting Comfortable With Ourselves
This episode discusses why we fear our own emotions how we can practice recognising, naming and sitting with our feelings long enough to heal and better understand them.
Season 1

A True Source of Happiness: Appreciation (Beauty and Fascination)
We enjoy what we appreciate, and we don't enjoy, what we don't appreciate. Yet appreciation isn't something we ever feel we're "doing"... but there is a way to grow our appreciation. Beauty is a feeling, not something we can measure, it's preci...
Season 1
Episode 13

#21 Practicing Acceptance and Non-Judgement
What does acceptance mean? Well it's not resignation, nor is it passivity. Acceptance is a recognition of the way things are combined with the understanding that wishing things things were different only makes us feel bad. To accept something i...
Season 1
Episode 21

#19 The Nature of Thought and Identity
The search for Truth necessitates questioning everything, and there are several things we never think to question as they seem self-evident. What is a thought and where does it come from? In this episode we look for proof "we think", and will c...
Season 1
Episode 19

#18 Meditation: On The Nature of Identity / Reality
The ultimate goal of meditation is self-realisation. Who, or what, am I? That is the question we're here to answer. This episode introduces the idea of meditating on the nature of identity and why it's so important.
Season 1
Episode 18

Understanding Negativity
This episode will introduce you to the practice of understanding negative thoughts and feelings by means of concentration and inquiry. When we understand someone else, our negative feelings towards them go away, when we understand ourselves ALL...
Season 1
Episode 8

Exploring Anger
Not getting what we wanted can lead to disappointment but it's blaming other people, the situation, or some aspect of ourselves for that, that transforms sadness and disappointment into anger and frustration. In this episode we discuss how to t...

The Pyramid of Emotion
In this episode, I discuss the 'pyramid of emotion' or the 'hierarchy of emotion'. This representation of our feelings can help us to explore our thoughts and emotions, in a thoughtful way. It reminds us to look deeper and that self-awareness d...

#14 Feeling Good About Feeling Bad
What we really need, to work with negativity, is the realisation that it's there to guide us. To fear our feelings, is to fear ourselves. In truth our painful feelings are there to guide us, to new ways of seeing, more loving ways of being.
Season 1
Episode 14

More on Exploring Negative Feelings
In this episode I explain how you can explore negative thoughts and emotions, through feeling and through questioning. Included are some tips on what attitude to have and what to do when it gets overwhelming. These tools can be used in or out o...
Season 1